has over 30 years of experience in the fuel system testing and evaluation of storage tanks, piping, and associated equipment. Our testing procedures and services meet Ohio & Kentucky state rules & regulations for yearly compliance obligations. We also provide the same services to meet the upgrade and "new build" testing requirements for fuel systems. Technicians are certified by ATS Inc., Training Service Inc. and are current hold BUSTR installer certification licensees.
We target our services to small and medium sized owners/operators, oil suppliers and UST installation & repair companies. This allows us to maintain a more personalized service while offering a lower cost to the customer.
Services Offered
Mesa 2D Precision Tank Testing -
The Mesa model 1-D/2-D digital sonde can be used to evaluate any vessel that can be sealed. This would include tank wagons, barge compartments, underground storage tanks & aboveground storage tanks. The Mesa test method consists of a microphone placed in the ullage of the vessel. The microphone is connected to a computer that digitally records the sound inside the vessel. The acoustical signals inside the vessel are recorded and the computer analysis program is used to determine if a leak is present. The Mesa 2-D system is used to test both the ullage and the liquid portion of the vessel under vacuum. The Mesa 1-D system is used to test the ullage portion of tank under pressure. Inert nitrogen gas is used for all testing procedures.
Product line testing -
Product line pressure testing utilizing the AcuRite line test system. We can test multiple lines of the same fuel (regular, premium) at a time, we also carry two sets of line testing equipment to do multiple fuels at the same time to minimize customer down time.
Product line leak detector testing -
Electronic and mechanical line leak detector evaluation.
Stage 1 vapor testing -
CARB vapor testing of the stage 1 vapor system, including static leak testing.
Cathodic protection testing -
Tank, Line, flex connector cathodic protection testing.
On site ATG tank monitor evaluation -
Evaluation and adjustment of the tank monitoring equipment.
Containment sump water testing -
3-year tank, dispenser, and spill containment equipment testing.
Annual Compliance Inspections -
A completed report of the required inspection of the fuel system per the state rules, including caps, and adaptors on the fuel tanks, testing of the impact valves for emergence shut off, piping leaks in dispensers, tanks, leaks of bad hanging hardware.
Fuel tank cleaning -
Removal of water from the bottom of the UST/AST; followed by the storage of tank fuel in the clean holding tank. Jetting of the tank to remove sludge and contaminates. Polishing the product in the holding tank prior to final replacement into the cleaned storage tank to ensure the highest quality. Before & after samples of the product, & pictures of the interior of the tank before & after.
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